Wishing all Chinese 人日快乐 (Ren Ri Kuai Le)! In Chinese custom, the seventh day of Lunar New Year is everyone's birthday.
I created an activity for each of my girls with the yusheng theme in celebration of this Chinese Custom.
For little tots who are learning their beginning sounds, you can use this ''Yusheng Beginning Sounds'' to work with them.
Download it here

If your child is able to handle the scissors, you can supervise them as they cut out each item.
Name each picture and have your child to identify the beginning sounds of these items related to Yusheng. Paste the picture accordingly to the beginning sounds.

For children who are 6 and above, this is a grammar activity where they learn about countable and uncountable nouns.

Sort the items accordingly. You can share some examples of countable and uncountable nouns before they embark on this activity. Countable nouns are individual people, animals, places, things, or ideas which can be counted. Uncountable nouns are not individual objects, so they cannot be counted.
After the activity, invite your child to create a yusheng plate by gathering different materials.

My elder child, Raelyn helped herself to our craft cupboard and decide what are the materials she will like to use.

Provide a tray where they can place the items and bring it over to their working area.

They started cutting the strings which Raelyn has picked.

With the ready materials they have cut and picked, I helped to put together a tiger yusheng. We used strings, beans , pipe cleaner and bottle cap to create this.

With that , we have completed out yusheng related activity! Do tag us at bubzexplorer on IG if you download any of our printables. Will love to see your verison of yusheng!